It's been a long time. How have you been? (gosh, I sound like GladOS)
My writing activity has been reduced to a mere couple of gaming reviews. I guess that's the effect of the examination period.
While there was no apparent reason to go outside and seek another PC, I have my two trusty laptops to rely on, I felt the urge to use one of those crappy cheap Microsoft keyboards that grew sticky and a chore to use due to excessive sugary liquids spill and extensive gaming sessions on them - desparate WoW gamers included.
But, somehow, this technological decadence gets the best out of me. Besides, I'm surrounded by people that give a crap to what I give crap. yay.
So, back reporting my status. Examination period is "teh shit". I managed to participate to 9 of them and succeed to the most of them. I don't know how I pulled this stunt, while getting all-nighters and consuming buckets of coffee out of house, but it worked.
My life also has taken a turn. The summer was particularly shitty because of some nice relatives that decided that our shit weren't as worthy as them to go together down to the same sewer, so they decided out of the blue - and without the nessesary presence of a mechanic or an architect, to dig beneath the whole group of houses, essentially hitting the - pretty much common- foundations.
The nice thing is that the whole story took a lot of money from the family, essentially leaving us penniless for the end of August. Meaning, I was unable to go anywhere or buy anything for 15 days. I was imprisoned inside the house, solely playing games and studying a bit.
Boot Camp Camping
My brother went to do his military service. His reports were not the most favorable.
"It's shit, bro" he said "try to avoid it at all costs". But how can one avoid a totally useless thing that a whole society has build upon it. The paper from Army, counts more than a University Degree, a Master and a Doctorat all combined. Come to think of this, the Military service doesn't even HAVE to do anything with somebody's career. So, why it's so much needed in order to get a descent job?
I could go on and on of this. But I feel that it deserves a new post all devoted to how shitty is the Army. And it needs to die, along with the remains of nationalism from the 50's.
Job Job bomb mob
Yeah. A job. A real one - that pays in money and not in Xbox360 titles (not that I'm going to quit my much-loved editing place at Game 2.0) and It's going to be at a prevention clinic. I'm going to be at the reception of the patients, and arranging dates with the doctors, while I fight with the mess of being with other three girls that do the exact same things with me at the same time. Meaning, there's a lot of passing-the-appointment-book around. I've already had a taste of the work. But for a good enough salary, It's quite good.
Anyway. My time has almost over. I need to GTFO and socialize a bit more. Cause after that, I'll be back in Athens. And there's no shitting around :(
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